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[RSS]: Designer insight: Robert Heim


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Designer insight: Robert Heim

Many LEGO set designers use our BrickLists feature to maintain a list of the sets they've worked on and often provide interesting insights about their involvement.

Once a week we publish an entry from one of their lists on the home page to increase awareness of this information and to encourage more designers to create them.

Robert Heim wrote this about their work on 60336 Freight Train:

My 10th CITY Set: a train! Really loved working on this one. The concept model was build by Corvin, which defined the rough direction: modern european train engine and double decker car transporter. I especially enjoyed designing the mechanisms like the the one on the car tranporter, the reach stacker and the locking mechanism on the container car. Matt was responsible for all the graphics and designed some really nice minifigure parts, like the bearded head for the ginger-haired guy and the lovely pink/purple torso.

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