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[RSS]: Brick Féile returns to Dublin next month


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Brick Féile returns to Dublin next month

Brick Féile, Ireland's premier LEGO event, returns to the City North Hotel on the weekend of the 15th and 16th of July.

The event will raise money for Fairy Bricks who deliver and donate thousands of LEGO sets to hospitals across Ireland.

There will be activities for all ages including brick pits and mosaic building, as well as world-class models on display built by members of the organising LUG Brick.ie and international exhibitors. If that isn't enough, a Great Ball Contraption (GBC) will be making its first appearance in Ireland.

I will be there supplying and operating the latter, and I'm very much looking forward to attending my first LEGO event in Ireland and hopefully meeting many Irish Brickset members while there.

Buy tickets now at EventBrite »

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