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[RSS]: Review: 71427 Larry's and Morton's Airships


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Review: 71427 Larry's and Morton's Airships

Following our quest to expand our team of reviewers we invited a number of applicants to help clear our backlog of review sets. This one, by Jonny, aka SetToBuild, is the first of a few that we'll be publishing in the coming weeks:

If you had told young SetToBuild that someday LEGO and Nintendo (his two favourite things) would join forces, his head would have spun faster than a chain chomp on a merry-go-round! A LEGO Super Mario theme which was essentially an expandable board game wouldn’t have been what first came to mind, but I’ll take what I can get!

Airships are seen throughout Super Mario games in many different styles. In later games, their design often includes a sculpture of the boss character’s face at the prow of the ship. Although I was excited to see how the set design would tackle these vehicles on a smaller scale than 71391 Bowser's Airship, while building Larry’s airship I found myself wondering what could have been.

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