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[RSS]: GBC book available now


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GBC book available now

LEGO Great Ball Contraptions are hugely popular, both at exhibitions and on YouTube, where videos are viewed millions of times.

It's surprising, then, that until now there hasn't been a book published on the subject that explains the standard and provides ideas and inspiration for building your own modules.

Author Christoph Ruge, who I had the pleasure of collaborating with on the GBC at Skaerbaek this year, does this and much more in his newly-published book Das LEGO-Kugelbahn-Handbuch: Ideen und Techniken für eigene GBC-Module, which translates to The LEGO Marble Run Manual: Ideas and Techniques for Creating Your Own GBC Modules.

If you can read German you can buy it at Amazon.de for €30 and Amazon.co.uk for £26, but if you can't, and you'd like to see an English translation, I encourage you to do what I've just done: email No Starch Press, who have a relationship with the German publisher, and request that they consider translating it for a wider audience. The more that do so, the more likely it'll happen!

You can view a few page spreads after the break.

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