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[RSS]: This week's top news articles


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This week's top news articles

These are the most read articles that we've posted during the last fortnight:

First images of 21344 Orient Express!11 Oct23447226135
Animal Crossing: more images and prices10 Oct19919159101
Animal Crossing sets revealed!10 Oct1679412374
Review: 10318 Concorde08 Oct1590617160
Review: 43230 Walt Disney Tribute Camera16 Oct838112541
Review: 75348 Mandalorian Fang Fighter vs. TIE Interceptor13 Oct826811137
Periodic table of LEGO colours still available21 Oct7680379
LEGO horror-themed posters available from Insiders Rewards Centre17 Oct578513870
[US/CA] 30% off UCS Republic Gunship and Razor Crest on LEGO.com14 Oct53796436
Double Insiders points and Scary Pirate Island available now10 Oct51256348

The total number of news article views this week is 123,068, which is 58,867 fewer than last week.

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