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Here's a list of the reviews that we've published recently:


60368 Arctic Explorer Ship

Although satisfying overall, 60368 Arctic Explorer Ship could make better use of space

21250 The Iron Golem Fortress

The set's modular aspect allows for lots of post-build fun and it looks great on display

43223 Asha in the City of Rosas

This set is enjoyable on the whole, but is overshadowed by the bigger Wish sets

43230 Walt Disney Tribute Camera

The Walt Disney Tribute Camera is a must-have for any Disney fan

43231 Asha's Cottage

Asha's cottage looks fantastic and provides broad appeal, other than its price

75348 Mandalorian Fang Fighter vs TIE Interceptor

The new TIE Interceptor is impressive on the whole, but the Fang Fighter is disappointing

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