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[RSS]: Exclusive interview with Tim Johnson, author of LEGO Space 1978-1992


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Exclusive interview with Tim Johnson, author of LEGO Space 1978-1992

The highly anticipated book LEGO Space 1978-1992 by Tim Johnson, perhaps best known as the founder of New Elementary, will be published next week.

Our exclusive interview with him reveals what's in the book, how he got involved with writing it, why it stops at 1992, and whether he was able to uncover any information about the mysterious unreleased set 1526.

Brickset: Tim, tell us about yourself and your LEGO background

Tim: I came out of my Dark Age at age 40, gosh, that’s 13 years ago now. Ten years ago, I founded the deep-dive parts website New Elementary, and I’ve done all sorts of LEGO stuff since then: I’ve written and built models for DK Books, and I was the editor of Bricks Culture magazine. I work as a digital producer and writer/editor in Melbourne.

How and why did you get involved with writing a book on Classic Space?

It was a commission. In 2020 I heard that Dark Horse were looking to produce a book on the early years of LEGO Space. To work with The LEGO Group on my favourite theme certainly was a dream come true.

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