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[RSS]: LEGO® Insiders Weekend 2023 & LEGO® Pick a Brick cutoff dates


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LEGO® Insiders Weekend 2023 & LEGO® Pick a Brick cutoff dates

This weekend, 18 and 19 November 2023, is LEGO® Insiders Weekend (formerly LEGO® VIP), so it's a great chance to get hold of new elements - in Pick a Brick, sets on sale and pre-orders.

There's double LEGO Insider Points on everything, and some sets in the USA and Canada offer triple and quadruple points! There are three Gifts with Purchase (GwP) available too.


It's a timely opportunity to get loose elements from Pick a Brick, because Monday 20 November is the last order date to receive PaB Standard elements before Christmas! (The cutoff for PaB Bestseller elements is a little later - see our list further down.) 

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