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[RSS]: Christopher Hoffmann's Ma.K MOC using 42156 PEUGEOT 9X8 24H Le Mans Hybrid Hypercar


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Christopher Hoffmann's Ma.K MOC using 42156 PEUGEOT 9X8 24H Le Mans Hybrid Hypercar

We invited Christopher Hoffmann to choose a LEGO® set with inspiring new parts to add to his collection and create his own MOC. Today he reveals his work, with a masterclass insight into the creative process, and the elements and techniques he used.


As I thumbed through the catalogue of sets to review, my inspiration was immediate and specific. It was September 2023 and set 42156 PEUGEOT 9X8 24H Le Mans Hybrid Hypercar, released in May, bore a cornucopia of new Technic panels in dark stone grey: the perfect ingredients for the upcoming Ma.Ktoberfest.

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