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[RSS]: LEGO® Icons review + MOC: 10328 Bouquet of Roses


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LEGO® Icons review + MOC: 10328 Bouquet of Roses

The Botanical Collection is a subtheme of LEGO® Icons that features relatively affordable sets. In reality, similar life-size botanical subjects have found their way to other LEGO themes, too, including LEGO® Creator and, surprisingly, LEGO® Disney Princess sets. For me, these sets appeal as beautiful models. However, I'm foremost a MOC maker, and they are very good material for own creations – they include usually many of the same pieces, often in bright colour and sleek, organic shapes. 


The Botanical Collection often features many species with different colours, but set 10328 Bouquet of Roses focuses on strong red romanticism. How does it score with a MOC builder like me, and what did its pieces inspire me to build?

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