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Pirates Inn & Town Square

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Лека-полека трябва пак да понапълним форумите с МОС-ове... та след Ники с неговия Купър за конкурса, нека и аз дам тон с едно по-"пресните" неща.


Винаги съм бил голям фен на Пиратската серия - която даже ми е втора по "любимост" след Town - a досега не бях строил нищо пиратско от края на моите Dark ages насам. Тъй че Pirates Community Build в Eurobricks ми даде чудесен повод най-накрая да се пробвам. Повечето сгради са с ограничениe за размера 16х16, но за щастие още в началото успях да "открадна" и площада, който ми беше поверен заедно с градската страноприемница. Резултатът:




(Първата снимка е линк към презентация в Eurobricks, останалите - към галерията във Flickr.)











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Айде, пак браво за странната странноприемница! Жалко че не си обрал приза от EB`s Pirates Community Build ;)



Само да отбележа, не Купър ами Куупур, защото все още не съм взел лиценза от БМВ ;)

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Само да отбележа, не Купър ами Куупур, защото все още не съм взел лиценза от БМВ ;)

Да, да, предположих, няма да те въвличам във фирмени свади, споко ;)


Иначе - то не беше конкурс, по-скоро общо забавление. Пък и като за вечер и нещо - толкоз, не съм го строил като за награда ;)

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Готино.Само ми е интересно защо маймуната е на покрива и се налива с ром-да не е Кинг-Конг?? :lol::lol:

Бях писал историйка при представянето в Eurobricks, в която и това е обяснено :lol: Проблемът е, че е на английски, а сега не ми се сяда да мисля български еквивалент, най-малкото защото от тогава мина доста време. Paste-вам английската версия, на който му е интересно...




Paddles' Inn was one of the first buildings to be erected in the Pirates' Town. After a successful stint at sea, Jim Paddles decided to return to his landlubbing habits and invest his earnings, rather than squander them. That also gave him a nice opportunity to put his interesting surname to good use and even implement it in his Inn's design. He was only given a small piece of land by the Town Council for his guest house, but he still managed to fit 2 bedrooms on the second floor, and a nice master bedroom on the first one - with an outhouse conveniently placed in the yard of the inn. During the annual Pirates fair, Jim would move out of the master bedroom, even though his wife was never too happy about having to sleep in the reception hall - but that big bedroom is definitely a nice place to stay the night and gives plenty of reason to charge the customer obscene amounts of money... Who says being a landlubber can't be lucrative!?



Right now however, the town's pretty quiet, no ships are docked and no captains have returned with a seizable loot to squander. The only visitor in Paddles' Inn is the aging self-proclaimed Terror of the Seas, Captain Doublebeard. Unfortunately, the only thing that's terrible about him is the amount of bread crumbles his beard is capable of storing after dinner - other than that, ol' Doublebeard hasn't really managed to win any significant battles, or find any great treasures. That's all about to change though - or at least that's what Doublebeard thinks after having found a treasure map in the drawer of his bedroom. Little does he know that such maps are included in the drawers of every single bedroom and this tradition would later on evolve into inns and hostels all over the world placing certain books in their visitors' drawers.


If there's one single person (?) who's really enjoying this lazy, quiet day at the inn, that's Yumkee the Monkey who, unlike his owner, does enjoy a glass of good rum. Or a bottle. Whichever comes first. Jim says all that drinking does is waste your hard-earned money, but seeing as that's the only kind of remuneration Yumkee requires for his labour (related to the outhouse, but better left unexplained), Mr. Paddles sees this as a justified expense.




Busy humming her favourite pirate tune (which she heard on 'Behind the Helm'), Lora Paddles hasn't noticed that her cleaning is not very effective and is actually helping drive away one of the few potential visitors of the inn...



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